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It's National Mammal Week - give a membership to the Mammal Society

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It’s National Mammal Week from 23 October to 1 November 2020, a week to celebrate all mammals great and small and to give them our support.

The week is organised by the Mammal Society, and this charity work hard to do science-led conservation, so their conservation efforts are grounded on research.

They collect and share information on animals and encourage research so that more can be learnt about the ecology and distribution of mammals.  This means that efforts to conserve mammals will be more effective because more is known about them.

The Society has a project to make a “Red List” of endangered mammals for the UK, and memberships help pay both for this and the production of new guidelines and training on how to protect some of our most threatened species.  They also work to influence government policy and secure a future for Britain’s wildlife.

Which mammals live in the UK?

Take a look at the list of mammals in the UK here.  There are 107, and they include the hedgehog, red squirrel, water vole, harvest mouse, shrews, rabbits, hares, beavers, voles, otters, badgers, stoats, polecats and pine martens, deer, wild ponies (such as the Exmoor and Dartmoor), wallabies, seals, bats, whales and dolphins. 

Give the Mammal Society your support and help mammals
Give a Gift Membership to the Mammal Society today


Give a gift membership and help the Mammal Society help mammals!

Just imagine – for less than the cost of a cup of coffee every month, giving a gift membership to a nature lover would mean you’re supporting research to help the conservation of British mammals!

Members receive (and this is from their website in October 2020):

  • Reduced ticket prices for our workshops, training and conferences at venues around the country.
  • Updates on mammals and research via Mammal News
  • Their E-bulletin to keep you further up to date
  • Mammal Review – you need to pay an additional fee for this
  • Access to our trap loan scheme
  • Access to knowledge of ongoing mammal projects in your area

Your gift will make a difference to mammals

If you want to treat someone who is serious about helping mammals, or simply wants to help make a difference, why not give a gift membership?  All gift memberships come with a free gift and the knowledge for you that you are helping mammals so your gift will make a difference.

To find out more about gift memberships, email the Membership Officer at [email protected] or 02380 010 982.

Alternatively, why not take a look at the Mammal Society's shop?  It has something for all the family with some gorgeous pictures on t-shirts and sweatshirts.   Hop off here to the Mammal Society's online store.

This gorgeous t-shirt comes from the Mammal Society's online store