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It's World Wetlands Day - give a nature lover a membership to the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust

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It’s World Wetlands Day!

Wetlands are a really important part of our planet, although they cover very little of its surface.   They are, effectively, where land meets water, and as such they cover areas such as shores, estuaries, mudflats, floodplains, coastal marshes, local ponds, the bog and pond in your garden, mangrove swamps, seagrass beds, and rivers.  

Why wetlands matter

They provide us with drinking water, they store a third of the world’s carbon emissions and they buffer us from floods and droughts.

They are important to wildlife because 40% of all plant and animal species live or breed here.  They are vital breeding and feeding grounds for migratory birds – stopover points, if you like.  They give wildlife a chance to rest, shelter and winter.   

The theme in 2020 is Wetlands and Biodiversity.  You can find out about it here.

Wetlands are facing increasing threats from pollution, climate change, dams and over-exploitation. 

In the UK, the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust works hard to combat these threats. 

Why not give a membership and support their work?  They offer Family, Joint and Individual memberships and there’s a Life Membership as well.

Membership benefits:

  • Unlimited entry to WWT’s nine wetland centres
  • A Welcome Pack full of information about the charity’s conservation work and visitor centres
  • Quarterly copies of WWT’s award-winning ‘Waterlife’ magazine
  • Entry vouchers for friends and family
  • Keep up to date via regular newsletters sent straight to your inbox
  • Free welcome gift if you pay by Direct Debit

The WWT’s vision is “A world where healthy wetland nature thrives and enriches lives”. 

Memberships help the WWT:

  • Restore, connect and enhance wetland habitats
  • Recover endangered species in the UK and further afield, such as the spoon-billed sandpipers
  • Help people to manage, protect and appreciate their wetlands

Join the WWT today

Help the WWT fulfil its vision and in doing so help people and wildlife around the world.

Give a Gift Membership to the WWT today