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For nature lovers, give a gift membership to Trees for Life

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The Caledonian Forest is a really important forest ecosystem.  It provides homes for wildlife but it's very fragmeted and consists entirely of old trees in some places.  So Trees for Life is working to expand and link these pinewoods.  It uses three strategies:

  • Natural Regeneration
  • Planting native trees
  • Removing non-native trees

Trees for Life's mission is to restore the Caledonian Forest and its species of flora and fauna.   It enagages volunteers to do this, and so aims to provide an educational experience that will promote the work of restoration to wider audiences.  It hopes that this will inspire other projects around the world.

The Caledonian Forest once covered a large part of the Scottish Highlands but deforestation has taken place over many years as trees were cut for fuel and timber and to convert land for agriculture. 

Their membership scheme plays a key role in helping to save the wild Caledonian Forest and the wildlife there.  Regular membership donations enable the charity to plan ahead.  You can join for as little as £3 a month, but the more you give, the more you'll help the forest!  There are a number of different membership schemes to choose from.  

Give a membership and help the beautiful Caledonian Forest in Scotland

Click here to go to Trees for Life to find out more.