Gift Membership & Subscription News


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Christmas comes but once a year...

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Welcome to my blog!  

Gift Memberships has been going for some time now and I thought it was time I started an online blog, with news, thoughts, gift ideas, charity news etc.  So here it is - I hope you enjoy it and find it helpful :-)  

One of the reasons I started this website was to raise awareness of the range of meaningful gifts you can get for people who have everything.   You know, I suspect, what I mean - it is hard to buy for them.  They have everything they want, so there's a tendency to go for practical buys which either get stored in a cupboard without use for years on end, or which immediately end up on e-Bay straight after Christmas.

You'll see that many of the gift memberships on this website focus on our green spaces and blue seas - giving nature a helping hand.   I am a nature and wildlife lover, and am doing what I can to help the wildlife in our garden, with birdbaths, food for the birds, log piles, butterfly and bee friendly plants and, soon to be added, a home for hedgehogs.

If you know of an animal lover or wildlife lover, or someone who loves the outdoors, exploring new places and returning to favourites, there are plenty of gift memberships to give them.  So I've listed a few on this website - more will be coming along!

Meantime, I hope you enjoy this blog and website, and thank you for coming to visit :-)